There are a zillion statistics in college football.  But I can guarantee you that an all-time record was set last Saturday in the non-football hotbed of Las Cruces, New Mexico.

Texas State’s miserable season got worse on Saturday.  They conducted a turnover fest which was highlighted by turnovers on EACH of their first 4 possessions.  Hapless New Mexico State, a team that recently got kicked out of the Sun Belt Conference, was more than grateful to be the beneficiary of such largesse.

Who was the leading tackler for Texas State in the first half?  None other than their center, Aaron Brewer!!!!  Not a defensive center.  Not a center linebacker.  Not a center safety.  A FREAKIN’ center.  I feel confident in saying that in the 60 years of two-platoon football that this stat is a first.  The ODYSSEY bows to you, Mr. Brewer!  Your percentage of possible tackles is so high that to call you a human tackling machine is certainly no hyperbole.

Now, a comment to ESPN.  You had a commentator last week make a comment so ridiculous and ignorant that she should be fired or put in a different position.  Immediately!  (BTW, we are not misogynists in this regard.  For example, we find Heather Dinich to be quite competent).  Relative newcomer, Elika Sadeghi, opined that Alabama’s position in the playoff was so secure (true enough) that the Tide should consider resting players in their Auburn game.  Say what?!?!?!

The Iron Bowl is one of three transcendent rivalry games in the country.  Most in the country and anybody in the South are aware of  its import.  And, in Alabama, good Lord, the passion surrounding this game is OFF THE CHARTS.  So, for somebody to suggest that Alabama go less than full tilt in their annual grudge match shows unparalleled ignorance.  Either that or a sad, misguided perception that the playoff is all the matters and to hell with the other 124 teams that do not make the playoffs.  While I have been uncomfortable with ESPN’s preoccupation with the playoff at the expense of numerous other great stories on the college football scene, this statement was the most unbelievable I ever heard a paid commentator make.

The media has gauged that the pussy-grabbing male public wants to look at attractive women.  ESPN is not alone in wanting to feature good-looking female who wears a different designer dress in each appearance but can we ask ESPN a favor?  If you want to have your version of Megan Kelly at Fox News, please have her show a modicum of knowledge.  Because in addition to Ms. Kelly’s considerable good looks, she is also intelligent.  The college football world deserves the same degree of intelligence.