Massive domestic turbulence in the South has been avoided this afternoon.  Thank God!

The Montgomery Alabama police can stand down.  Whew!

If the SEC champion, Alabama, had been snubbed, as many predicted, chaos in the Confederacy might have resurfaced 158 years after Appomattox.  The great, great, great, great, great grandson of Jefferson Davis was prepared to do what Jefferson Davis in 1861 on the steps of the Montgomery capitol.   Crowds had been amassing in Montgomery this morning.  If Alabama had been snubbed, the TIDE to again secede from the union would have been strong.  How could the vaunted, dominant SEC ever be shut out of the playoff was the mantra of the growing Sunday crowd in Montgomery.

America has already become polarized.  The Odyssey is truly thankful that a potential crisis of unknown proportion has been avoided.  Double whew!