Let the Odyssey scream from the highest rafter:  Paul Finebaum is good for college football, especially for those crazies south of the Mason-Dixon line.  We have taken guilty pleasure listening to the deceased Tammy, Legend, IMan, etc.  Finebaum has done an admirable role as the Jerry Springer of college football

But the Mouth of the South has one irritating blind spot.  He has forgotten that the Civil War ended in 1865, particularly when speaking (often disdainfully) of the Michigan Wolverines.  He has been outwardly dismissive of the Wolverines’ history, saying that 1/2 of a National Championship in 70+ hardly represents success.

This concept  of “national championship or bust”  is outrageous to the Odyssey.  We would argue that Alabama’s season was a wild success.  The Tide won the SEC by ending Georgia’s 29-game winning streak in the state of Georgia after a rough start to 2023.  Washington had a fantastic season, extending their winning streak to 21 games, despite the strength of the 2023 Pac 12.  Texas finally shed its perennial tag of underachiever by winning at Bama and stomping Oklahoma State in the Big 12 title game.

Other successes abounded in 2023.  How could Northwestern possibly go 8-5 after two horrible seasons and the dismissal of Pat Fitzgerald?  If you would have predicted that Arizona would lose one game in regulation (31-24 to Washington), you would have been instantly committed.  Newbie James Madison excelled in the upcoming Sun Belt.

According to Finebaum’s ridiculous yardstick, Bo Schembechler was an utter flop.  No natty despite winning 11 conference titles in his illustrious 21-year stint.

Michigan’s national title is cathartic because of all the near misses over the past 60 years.  To wit:

1964:  A failed two-point conversion at Purdue that cost UM a national title in a season punctuated by a 34-7 mauling of Oregon State in the Rose Bowl.

1972:  Ohio State’s TWO goal line stands in Columbus thwarted an undefeated Blue squad, 14-11

1973: The bitter rivals both entered the game undefeated.  Ohio State salvaged a 10-10 tie when Mike Lantry missed two late field games.

1974:  Lantry missed another walkoff field goal in a crushing 12-10 defeat in Columbus.  But was it a miss?  Some observers said that Lantry did make it.

2006:  On the heels of Bo Schembechler’s death, another undefeated clash in Columbus.  The Buckeyes prevail in a 42-39 epic.

2016:  Did JT Barrett get the first down conversion in overtime??  Jim Harbaugh said NO.  The officials said YES.  30-27 double overtime heartbreaker.

Finebaum’s myopia totally ignores that Michigan fans would view their season as a success when upending an undefeated Ohio State team as The Team Up North has often done since 1969.

Finebaum, ever the SEC bullhorn, has been lamenting that Georgia did not make the playoffs…”If Georgia was in, blah, blah, blah. Georgia had an off day in the SEC Championship game, blah, blah, blah.” Memo to Mr. Finebaum:  The Odyssey was in attendance at the Flats in the week prior to the Bulldogs’ pratfall.  The Bulldogs hardly looked national championship vintage in their 31-23 win over Georgia Tech.  Georgia’s defensive line looked human, unlike the previous 2 years.

The greatest symbolic play in Michigan’s 2023 National Championship occurred on Alabama’s final play in the Rose Bowl.  The TIde’s right tackle, JC Latham, is a hulking monster of 350+ pounds of man.  Yet, Josaiah Stewart, UM’s edge-rushing specialist, giving up MORE than 100 pounds, manhandled Latham!!  He pushed Latham backward directly into Jalen Milroe’s path.  Milroe, in essence, was tackled by his own right tackle!   Take that, Paul Finebaum!!

And if you are wondering if we will be tuning into Finebaum’s show today, well, you should already know the answer to that.